Publications by FSU Students and Grads
- Bare, Ceil, Nancy T. de Grummond and Amy. Meilleur, 2000. “Etruscan Sigla (“Graffiti”): Prolegomena and Some Case Studies,” Archaeologia Transatlantica 18, 25-38.
- Layton, S. A. 2009. “Etruscan Bucchero Pottery from Cetamura del Chianti.” Etruscan Studies 12, 21-60.
- Ewell C. 2014. “The Kiln at Cetamura del Chianti.” Etruscan Studies 17.2, 213-32.
- Robertson, M. “(Inscriptions from) Cetamura del Chianti,” Studi Etruschi 55 (1989), 279-309.
- Sowder, C. “Utilitarian pottery from Cetamura del Chianti.” Archaeological News 13 (1984) 13-25.
- Sowder, C. 2015. “Ritual and Industry in the Late Etruscan Period: The Well at Cetamura del Chianti.” Etruscan Studies. 18.2, 151-177
- Stage, Jeanine. 1985. “Etruscan textile arts.” In Studi e Materiali della Soprintendenza Archeologica della Toscana 6, 146-150.
- Taylor, L. 2014. “Preface and Introduction.” Etruscan Studies 17, 111-20.
- Taylor, L. 2015. “Religion and Industry at Cetamura del Chianti in the Late Etruscan Period,” Etruscan Studies. 18.2, 126-150.
Cetamura Antica (2000)
- Julia Borek
- Charles Ewell
- David Funk
- Allison M. Purcell
- Patrick Rowe
The Sanctuary of the Etruscan Artisans at Cetamura del Chianti: The Legacy of Alvaro Tracchi (2009)
- Tina Biedenharn
- Stacey Cahan
- Stephen A. Elliott
- Karlyn Griffith
- Reema Habib
- Melissa B. Hargis
- Sarah B. Johnson
- McKenzie Lewis
- Stephanie Layton
- Jennifer Zorn
Wells of Wonders: New Discoveries at Cetamura del Chianti (2017)
- Amanda V. Ryals
- Charles A. Ewell
- Christina Cha
- Carla Russo
- Cheryl L. Sowder
- Judy Faragasso
- Karlyn Griffith
- Katherine Kaplan
- Katherine Slusher
- Laurel Taylor
- McKenzie Lewis
- Rebecca McGinn
- Reema Habib
- Stacie Beach
- Stephen A. Collins-Elliott
- Vanessa Puzzles
Publications by Students from the University of North Carolina at Ashville
Each year from 2011 to 2017, students from the University of North Carolina at Asheville, under the direction of Dr. Lora Holland and Dr. Laurel Taylor, have worked at Cetamura and undertaken study projects of previously excavated materials.
COURTNEY NOEL MILLER studied deposits of fragmented Etruscan pottery found in the Etruscan kiln, Structure K, at Cetamura, and the evidence for religious rituals in this context. Her article, “Investigating the Relationship Between Spiritual and Artisanal Practices in Etruria: The Case of Cetamura del Chianti,” was presented at the National Conference of Undergraduate Research 2013, and was published online. Her NCUR contribution was based on her undergrad thesis at UNC-A, directed by Dr. Taylor.
Courtney also made a catalog of all diagnostic sherds (rim, base, handle, in different varieties of pottery found at Cetamura) that serves to confirm a date of the kiln in the third or early 2nd century BCE.
KELSEY SWANSON collaborated with Dr. Holland to study worked bone implements from Well # 1 at Cetamura. These came from strata of the well reflecting usage in the 2nd and 1st centuries BCE, i.e., Late Etruscan and Early Roman Imperial. They published their findings in “Worked Bone Implements,” in Wells of Wonders, New Discoveries at Cetamura del Chianti, edited by Nancy T. de Grummond, Florence, 2017, 149-153.
PATRICK LEBO did a research project with Dr. Holland at UNC-A on “Astragalomancy in Etruria: An Analysis of the Astragali at Cetamura,” which he presented at the National Conference of Undergraduate Research 2016. They presented their most significant results in “Astragali,” in Wells of Wonders, New Discoveries at Cetamura del Chianti, edited by Nancy T. de Grummond, Florence, 2017, 81-82.
Astragali, sometimes referred to erroneously as “knucklebones,” actually came from the anklebones of animals, and were used in the ancient world in games of chance and divination. Well # 1 at Cetamura contained 168 specimens
Florida State University
(Director, Nancy T. de Grummond)
- Houston, Myra. 1978. Cetamura black glaze pottery.
- Sowder, Cheryl L. 1978. A Preliminary classification of the utilitarian pottery at Cetamura.
- Rowe, Patrick. 1979. Excavations at Cetamura : a study of architecture.
- Stage, Jeanine. 1981. Etruscan textile arts: the literary and archaeological evidence.
- Dayton, Beverly. 1982. The Literary evidence for Roman agriculture and its possible application to excavations at Cetamura.
- Repp, Andrea. 1989. Roman plaster from Cetamura del Chianti.
- Funk, David. 1990. The Glass artifacts of Cetamura del Chianti, Italy (1973-1987).
- Hackworth, Lauren. 1993. Evidence of textile production at Cetamura del Chianti, Italy : a catalog and a context.
- Curry, Jill. 1996. Black gloss pottery from the kiln area at Cetamura del Chianti, Italy.
- Williams, Frank. 1996. Red gloss pottery from Cetamura del Chianti (1973-1991).
- Purcell, Allison. 1998. The Etruscan patera. Its development and significance in Etruria.
- Vines, Molly. 2000. An Etruscan scarab from Cetamura del Chianti, Italy.
- Layton, Stephanie. 2006. Bucchero and impasto pottery from Cetamura del Chianti, Italy.
- Hargis, Melissa. 2007. A Mortarium at Cetamura del Chianti in Context.
(Director, Nancy T. de Grummond)
- Simmons, Jacquelyn. 2004. Black-gloss pottery from the refuse strata of the well at Cetamura del Chianti.
- Harding, James. 2011. Ritual pits in the ancient world.
- Beach, Stacie. 2015. A Catalogue of selected metal artifacts from the Well at Cetamura del Chianti.
- Cha, Christina. 2015. Ceramic weights from the Well at Cetamura.
- McGinn, Rebecca. 2015. Greyware ceramics from the Well at Cetamura del Chianti.
- Ryals, Amanda. 2017. A Comprehensive catalog of the miniature Cups from the site of Cetamura del Chianti.
(Director, Nancy T. de Grummond)
- Ewell, Charles. 2000. An Etruscan Hellenistic workshop : the kiln and artisans’ zone at Cetamura del Chianti.
- Funk, David. 2001. The Creation of Roman Etruria.